Plaza of the Americas
North Michigan Avenue in Chicago
One of the only public plazas on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, the Plaza of the Americas was built in 1965 to pay tribute to the member nations of the Organization of American States and Benito Juárez, Mexico’s first president of indigenous descent. The National Association of Realtors®, in partnership with GNP Realty Partners and One Development, reimagined the plaza to connect people with more natural landscapes and an enjoyable walking experience, restoring a popular pathway for public transportation commuters.
The project required close collaboration with the City of Chicago and multiple Consul Generals from the Americas region. Work included all-new hardscape granite pavers from Italy, colorful landscapes, soft-white cove lighting, redesigned planter seating and restoration of the statue of Juárez. The project was completed on time and within budget by GNP and One –– with an overall investment of $4 million, gifted to the City of Chicago and the Organization of American States.
Project highlights:
- Repair of supporting steel structure that undergirds the plaza above public street
- Structural and waterproofing repairs
- Improved lighting
- Landscaping
- Below-surface heating coils to melt snow and ice